Items Cost (HKD) HKD HY Setting Net Profit (HY) Share (UT) Remarks Charge Initiated By
HY Net Cost
Card Application Fee 開卡費 (KYC Cost) 15 KYC + 40 Card+8 (+20%) +1 BIN
15 KYC + 2500 Card +250 (10%) + 1 Bin 64

2766 | Platinum 300 World 5000 - Metal World Elite 20000 | 300 - 64 -10= 236

Finally when the card is ready | 1+ 8 + 15 | KYC, Card, BIN Fee (Above cost 50%/50%) | 1 year No share 2 years 25% 3 years 50% and after | Charge via API with /fees/charge endpoint | | Annual Fee | 年費 | 10 / 80 | 10 80 | 300 5000 20000 | | 10 + 72.5 | Platinum/World/(Above cost 50%/50%) | 1 year 25% 1yr end 2 years 30% 3 years 50% and after | Charge via API with /fees/charge endpoint | | HK Spending | 本地簽帳 | 0 | Free | 0 | 0.5%* 0.6 / 0.6 | | HK Spending Rebate | 香港地區HKD本幣 | N.A. | | Overseas Cross Border Spending | 境外簽帳 | 2% | Marketing Support | 2.5% | HY 0.5% (Yr1) From Yr2 : 2%

Plus above | 2%+0.5% (Yr1) 2%+1% (Yr2) 2%+1% (Yr3+) | Outside HK Spending 2.5% On First Year 2% rebate for 2nd year | 境外指商戶收單地址在非香港地區;本幣指港幣;境外兼非本幣交易只收其一overseas means the merchant's billing address is not in Hong Kong; local currency means HKD; | System auto charge with card transaction | | Oversea ATM (Cash Advance) | 境外ATM自動櫃員機提款 | 1% | 20 Per time min | 3% or HKD50 min | 1% | 1%+1% | Total overseas ATM if 8% Client Rebate 1% +2.5% above On Ratio afterward | 設最低收費20JKD 每次,非香港地區有額外境外/非本幣簽帳手續費Minimum charge of 20HKD per transaction, additional overseas cross border fee for overseas atm withdrawal | System auto charge with card transaction | | HK ATM (Cash Advance) | 本地ATM自動櫃員機提款 | HKD 20.00 | 20 per time | 3% or HKD50 min | 30 | 20 | Above 20, all to HY | 香港地區HKD本幣 Local currency means HKD | System auto charge with card transaction | | ATM Balance Enquiries | ATM自動櫃員機餘額查詢 | Not Available | NO | NO access | 0 | 0 | No Access No Support | | N.A. | | Card to Card | 帳戶互轉 | 0 | Free | 0 | 0 | 0 | API can provide | 只支持相同幣種的卡之間互轉。 互轉之資金只適用於消費。 Transfer between cards only supports the same currency. Funds can only be used for purchases. | N.A. | | | | | | | | | | | | | Card Renew Fee | 到期換卡 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | API can provide | 實體卡郵費另計# please refer to below for postage of physical card | N.A. | | Card Balance inquiry (APP) | 餘額或交易紀錄查詢(APP) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | API can provide | | N.A. | | | | | | | | | | | | | Card cancellation fee | 人工註銷或領回餘額 | 10/ 80 | 0 | Platinum 300 World 5000 - Metal World Elite 20000 | 0/0 | | API can provide 50/50 | | Charge via API with /fees/charge endpoint | | Card Replacement + Extra Card | 補發卡 | 0 | 0 | Platinum 300 World 5000 - Metal World Elite 20000 | 0 | 0 | API can provide | 實體卡郵費另計# please refer to below for postage of physical car | Charge via API with /fees/charge endpoint | | Dormant Account fee (Monthly) Account Maintenance fee | 休眠帳戶管理費(月) | 10 | 10 | Platinum 200 World 500 World Elite 1000 | Platinum $95 World 245 World Elite 495 | Platinum $10+95 World $10+245 World Elite $10+495 | Deduct more than 10, 50/50

Account maintenance cost | 啟動後連續6個月帳戶未活動,將於第7個月每月收取 If the account remains inactive for 6 consecutive months after activation, a monthly fee will be applied starting from the 7th month. | Charge via API with /fees/charge endpoint | | Long Dormant Account Fee (Monthly) | 长期休眠帳戶管理費(月) 到期卡管理費(月) | 80 | 80 | Platinum 500 World 1000 World Elite 2000 | Platinum 210 World 460 World Elite 960 | Platinum 80+210 World 80+460 World Elite 80+960 | Deduct more than 80, 50/50 | 在收取休眠帳戶管理費用 6 個月後,該賬戶將立即被視為長期休眠 Long Dormant Account fee shall be applied if Dormant fee is applied to Cardholder’s account for 6 consecutive months. A monthly fee will be applied starting from the 7th month. | Charge via API with /fees/charge endpoint | | Document Request Fee | 索取文件副本 | 30 | 30 | 200 | 85 | 30+85 =115 | NO API Provided | 交易紀錄副本按月計費 Physical Statement shall be extracted on a monthly basis. Document request fee shall be applied to each statement. | Charge via API with /fees/charge endpoint | | Multiple small transactions online | 網上多次小額交易 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | API can provide | 單筆低於10 RMB / 11 HKD/ 1.5 USD 的網上交易屬小額交易 Online transactions of less than 10 RMB / 11 HKD / 1.5 USD are considered small value transactions. | System auto charge with card transaction | | | | | | | | | | | | | Authorization failure fee (cardholder error) | 授權失敗手續費(持卡人錯誤操作) | 2 | 0 | 5 | 1.5 | 3.5 | API can provide | 每月豁免單卡前3次收費,由第4次開始收費 持卡人錯誤操作包括:持卡人未能按信用卡使用方式,在餘額不足、卡狀態異常或網上交易時錯誤填寫卡信息導致正常授權失敗的行為Monthly Waiver shall be applied to the first 3 authorisation failure. Authorisation failure fee shall be applied from the 4th authorisation failure. Cardholder error includes: the balance is insufficient, the card status is abnormal or the card information is incorrectly filled out during online transactions, resulting in authorization failure | Disabled | | Refund Transactions fee | 退款交易 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 0 | API can provide | 每月前3次豁免,由第4次開始收費 特別提示:每筆非香港地區退款交易有額外“境外簽帳/非本幣簽帳”手續費,不作豁免 Monthly waiver shall be applied to the first 3 refund transaction. Refund Transaction fee shall be applied from the 4th refund transaction. Please note extra handling fee shall be applied to overseas cross border transaction. ( not exempted ) | Disabled | | Asset-Linked Credit Card | | | | | | | | | | | Chargeback Application | 拒付申請費! | | | | | | Follow MasterCard Rules All Bill to Bill backed! ** ABC | 萬事達卡拒付申請費Mastercard Chargeback application fee shall be applied. *** ABC | N.A. | | USDT/USD | | 1 USDT/C = 0.998 USD | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

*Based on overseas usage over 50% for the program, the rebate to the issuer is 0.50%. If below 50%, the base rebate to the co-brander falls to 0.40% (Platinum/World) ** Interest rate applies to Credit card Model. Issuing any new world elite card program requires Mastercard approval World Elite. It is on a case-by-case basis

#Mailing Fee

中國大陸: 20 RMB/ 25 HKD/ 3 USD,香港地區: 27 RMB/ 30 HKD/ 4 USD,非香港或中國大陸地區: 200 RMB/ 250 HKD/ 30 USD。(Co-brander set and process)

Sample Terms **************************** this lowest in market Pre-paid model for references !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Terms & Conditions 條款及細則

SpeedPay Treasure Global Fintech Limited. reserves the final right to suspend, modify or terminate this event and/or any of the terms and conditions without prior notice. In case of dispute, the decision of SpeedPay Treasure Global Fintech Limited.


These Terms and Conditions are prepared in English and Chinese. In case of any conflict or discrepancy between the two versions, the English version shall prevail.

收費及限額表 - speedPay

